What We Do

Creating a Community of Belonging

Project Beacon is building a community of belonging where adults with autism and other neurodiversities can play, learn, work and live. Through our tailored programs, we will meet you where you are and help you grow to your highest level of appropriate independence.

A Bold Solution, Built to Grow

Project Beacon will be a place where neurodiverse adults can thrive and become vital and visible members of the community.

Autism Focused Design

A Culture of Caring

Comprehensive Support

Innovative Programs

Connection to Community

A Strategic Roadmap

Our plan involves developing an integrated service offering each year designed to support the individual in achieving their highest level of appropriate independence.

A Strategic Roadmap

Our plan involves developing an integrated service offering each year designed to support the individual in achieving their highest level of appropriate independence.

Changing the Outcomes for the Neurodiverse

In 2024, PBTX will host monthly (12) staff-led outings and events. PBTX has the opportunity to make 270 unique positive learning impressions with the community we serve.

Provide individualized programs with positive
behavioral supports for skill development in the following skill areas:

Domestic home-living, social, communication, behavioral self-regulation, recreation and leisure, and early vocational skills.

PBTX will continue adding to their professionally designed programs through the addition of a Vocation Training Program and a Transition Academy before finally culminating our vision of an intentional residential community.

Our Day Programs will continue to add enrollment year over year, ultimately serving 40-60 adults. The Day Program and Vocation Training Program enrollment will continue to grow and double the number of adults served annually by PBTX.

2023 Milestones & Accomplishments

5 +


Completed 20+ grant submissions.



Initiated social enrichment programs- 6 events with 282 total participants reached.

Fundraising Goal

Exceeded our 2023 fundraising target; hosted spring golf and fall gala events

Grew Support

Hosted educational gatherings to grow awareness/support.

Connection to Schools

Strengthened connection to school districts and Lone Star College, SHSU and the UH.

Beacon Access Center

Identified Interim site for 2024 individualized adult services.


Engaged a full-time Executive Director to accelerate progress.